This is the fourth blog in a series featuring legal representatives and experts in the field of strategic litigation against torture discussing the strategic impact of cases catalogued in Casebook 1. In this blog piece, Natasha Arnpreister Senior Legal Counsel and James Goldston, Executive Director of Open Society Justice Initiative,… Read More
Benoit Meystre, one of the Legal Representatives in the A V. Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland case, describes the features of the case.
Professor Lutz Oette, one of the interveners in the Gäfgen in the Gäfgen v. Germany (2010) case, describes the features of the case.
Velasquez Rodriguez has remained the most widely cited of the Inter-American Court’s decisions and its pronouncements regarding State obligations in the face of the most serious human rights violations has been reaffirmed numerous times in the almost four decades that have followed.
REDRESS's new Casebook series showcases around 80 case studies of strategic litigation against torture from around the world to illustrate best practice and to help strengthen the capacity of human rights lawyers worldwide.