Congratulate the 2024 runners
Congratulate #teamREDRESS by donating
On Sunday 21st April 2024 Stephanie Collins, Sophie Hammond, Oliver Hill and Sophie Mills ran the 26.2 mile London Marathon on behalf of REDRESS to raise money for our work to help survivors of torture. Arturo Garcia-Huidobro, a long time supporter of REDRESS also joined us again this year, completing the race in just 2 hours and 51 minutes! Thankfully the weather stayed cool and dry, while we cheered from the side lines at the 12th mile!

Oliver Hill with his well deserved medal!
Oliver Hill from Gibson Dunn had a great time running for REDRESS this year:
I’m really pleased to have raised the money for such important work and I appreciate REDRESS for providing the opportunity.
We are asking you to support #TeamREDRESS with a donation directly to our charity, providing vital resources to help torture survivors who have survived horrific abuse achieve the justice they deserve:
You can congratulate to an individual campaign by clicking on a name below:
Arturo Stephanie Sophie H. Oliver Sophie M.