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Call to end European safe havens for Rwandan perpetrators

13 Years after the Rwandan genocide, it is unacceptable that perpetrators continue to live freely in Europe, said The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Redress Trust (REDRESS) on the occasion of their Conference marking the 13th Anniversary of the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda, in which up to… Read More

ICC prosecutor initiates Darfur cases

Today Mr. Luis Moreno-Ocampo, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), will take evidence to the Court’s Pre-Trial Chamber detailing widespread attacks and crimes committed against the civilian population in Darfur. “This is a historic step – it brings the court to life in Darfur and is a vital acknowledgement… Read More

Landmark House of Lords Decision in Torture Evidence Case

REDRESS, the international NGO that represents torture survivors in the UK and abroad, and one of 17 organisations which intervened in the case of A (FC) and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department, welcomes today’s decision that evidence obtained by torture is inadmissible in British courts. “We… Read More

Limited ICC charges may trigger recriminations in Eastern Congo

Today the International Criminal Court ends the confirmation hearing against Thomas Lubanga, former leader of the UPC in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo; the first person to be arrested and brought before the ICC for war crimes. The Court’s Pre-Trial Judges will now decide if the Prosecutor has sufficient evidence… Read More