WEBINAR: Pathways to Justice for Victims in Sudan, Lessons from Other African Countries
17 NOVEMBER 2020, 1 PM – 2 PM (GMT)
Simultaneous translation: French, English, Arabic.
Join a conversation on transitional justice in Sudan on a side event on the margins of the 67th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights.
The 2018 uprising in Sudan lead to the overthrow of Omar al-Bashir’s 30-year rule and ended an era of oppression and gross human rights violations. One year after the revolution, the Transitional Government and civil society are challenged with the design of transitional justice processes and mechanisms that address decades of human rights violations and impunity and a vast number of victims.
Under the current fragile economy and political instability, the crucial question is how to design and operate a system of transitional justice that brings justice for the massive and systematic human rights abuses and ends conflicts. What transitional justice mechanisms would best fit the context of Sudan? How does the mechanism define victims?
This webinar discusses transitional justice in Sudan from a comparative perspective. It explores the transitional justice mechanisms in Uganda, Kenya, The Gambia, Sierra Leone and Tunisia and sheds light on the achievements, challenges and lessons learned from the implementation of transitional justice in these countries to pave the way for a transition from conflict to a peaceful society that redresses the past violations.
Mr. Andrew Songa, Delegate to the African Union with the Fédération Internationale Pour Les Droits Humains (FIDH), Kenya
Ms. Sarah Kasande, Head of Office and an Advocate of Courts of Judicature, International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), Uganda
Dr. Baba Jallow, Executive Secretary, The Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission, The Gambia
Mr. Abdel Salam Sidahmed, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Justice, Sudan
Ms. Salwa El-Gantri, Head of the International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ), Tunisia
Moderated by REDRESS.