Webinar: The UN Basic Principles at 15: Reparations at a Crossroads
As we celebrate their 15th anniversary we want to reflect on the footprint and influence of the Basic Principles in international and domestic courts, legislation and the practice of domestic reparation programmes worldwide.
Over four webinars, the organizers will invite key stakeholders, including victims, those involved in drafting the Principles, practitioners, and reparation experts, to share their views on the progress made in these last 15 years and the challenges ahead in the implementation of the Basic Principles.
In this first webinar, we have invited a group of practitioners and experts involved in the drafting of the Basic Principles to explore the following questions: Where were we on the right to reparations before the Basic Principles were issued? What are the main achievements of the Basic Principles in ensuring victims’ right to reparations? How do we see the future and effectiveness of the Basic Principles?
· Professor Diane Orentlicher, American University, Washington College of Law and former Independent Expert on Combating Impunity
· Dr. Gabriela Echeverria, expert on reparations and independent consultant, former staff at REDRESS
· Dr. Alejandro Salinas, former Chairperson-Rapporteur of the process that led to the adoption of the Basic Principles and Guidelines
· Federico Andreu, International expert and former counsel at the International Commission of Jurists
Moderated by Clara Sandoval, Co-Director, Essex Transitional Justice Network, University of Essex.
Co-organized by the Essex Transitional Justice Network, Queen’s University Belfast and REDRESS.