As part of our on-going partnership with the Uganda Victims Foundation, REDRESS facilitated a three-day workshop on reparations in Lira, Northern Uganda from 18 to 20 January 2011. The workshop provided expertise on the right to remedy and reparation, focusing on the process rights of victims to be informed and participate in decision-making processes leading to reparations. Case studies on other reparations processes were provided in order to help UVF and new members joining the group identify key objectives for their campaign, as well as draft a preliminary action plan.

The UVF campaign is currently focused on the upcoming conference organised by the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights on reparations in Kampala, schedules for later this year. A follow up workshop is planned for March 2011, to build further capacities to ensure effective and inclusive participation of victims as integral to the UVF campaign.