
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

UK Army in Iraq: Time to Come Clean on Civilian Torture

This report surveys a number of specific incidents of abuse of Iraqi civilians by UK Army forces during the period when the fighting against Saddam Hussein’s forces officially stopped and the hand-over to the Iraqi authorities took place: 1 May 2003 to 30 June 2004. It seeks to examine the underlying military policies and doctrines in operation at the time, as well as the steps apparently subsequently taken within the military to prevent future abuses. Also examined is the use of the five banned interrogation techniques, as well as the UK’s pre-invasion planning or lack of it to deal with civilian detainees. Other aspect examined is the human rights training which was or was not given, not only to ordinary soldiers but to specialised interrogators, and the role of medical personnel and legal advisors.

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International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – Response to sixth periodic report of the United Kingdom, the British Overseas Territories and the Crown

Response to sixth periodic report of the United Kingdom, the British Oversewas Territories and the Crown Dependencies.

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Reparations for victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes: Systems in place and systems in the making

This report summarises the main issues and debates which arose in the course of the conference 'Reparations for victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes: Systems in place and systems in the making', organised by REDRESS and the Clemens Nathan Research Centre. The sessions focused on key themes surrounding reparation including international principles, survivors' perspectives, recovery of assets, collective forms of reparation, and national challenges regarding enforcement, as well as challenges for reparations in practice.

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REDRESS’ Submission to the Committee against Torture on its Draft General Comment on Article 2

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REDRESS’ Submission to the Committee against Torture on its Draft General Comment on Article 2

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Smoke and Mirrors Remain – Intelligence & Security Committee Report Does Not End Concerns Over Torture, Renditions And The Rule Of Law

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Memorandum from REDRESS to House of Commons Defence Committee on UK Operations in Iraq

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