One year on from the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the United Against Torture Consortium calls for States to take immediate concrete actions to prevent genocide, torture, and other international crimes.
Ahead of renewed mass protests in Kenya, the United Against Torture Consortium (UATC) expresses its grave concern over clear and convincing evidence of the systematic torture and ill-treatment, extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances of protesters by Kenyan security forces. We call on the Government of Kenya to issue an… Read More
On 31 July 2024, it was announced that, after 2 years of negotiations with Prosecutors, a plea deal had been reached which would have removed the risk that our client, Mustafa al-Hawsawi, along with two other… Read More
The United Against Torture Consortium urges the Bangladeshi government to immediately end the torture and ill-treatment of student protesters and hold perpetrators accountable amid the violent crackdown by security forces that has killed hundreds and injured thousands.
No Dia Internacional de Apoio às Vítimas de Tortura, a Coalizão Unidos Contra a Tortura (UATC por sua sigla em inglês) conclama os Estados a sustentarem o progresso feito nas últimas décadas em prol da promoção da dignidade humana, demonstrando seu compromisso incondicional com a erradicação da tortura em todo o mundo.
On the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, the United Against Torture Consortium calls on States to defend the progress made in the last decades in upholding human dignity by showing a greater commitment to ending torture worldwide.
À l'occasion de la Journée internationale pour le soutien aux victimes de la torture, le Consortium United Against Torture appelle les États à défendre les progrès réalisés au cours des dernières décennies en matière de respect de la dignité humaine en s'engageant davantage à mettre fin à la torture dans le monde entier.
En el Día Internacional en Apoyo de las Víctimas de la Tortura, el Consorcio Unidos contra la Tortura pide a los Estados (UATC, por sus siglas en inglés) que defiendan los avances logrados en las últimas décadas en la defensa de la dignidad humana mostrando un mayor compromiso para poner fin a la tortura en todo el mundo.