The Italian government is yet to clarify the reasons for its failure to surrender Osema Najim ‘Almasri’ Habish to the International Criminal Court (ICC). A senior Libyan officer, Almasri is wanted by the ICC for crimes against humanity and war crimes committed in prisons in Libya. He was apprehended on… Read More
NGOs have urged Secretary Blinken and USAID Administrator Power to repurpose a percentage of immobilized Russian sovereign assets towards urgent interim reparation which would address the devastating harms suffered by the most vulnerable survivors of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. According to the U.S. REPO for Ukrainians Act, the Secretary of… Read More
اقرأ باللغة العربية The undersigned organizations support the letter by five UN Special Rapporteurs, published on 19 May 2024, addressing the Egyptian government in regards to the ongoing targeting of human rights lawyers through the use of counter-terrorism legislation, resulting in their imprisonment or compelling them… Read More