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UK compensation payout to torture victims

UK compensation payout to torture victims

The UK Government’s decision to pay compensation to 16 men held by US forces at Guantanamo Bay should not limit scrutiny of possible UK complicity in the alleged mistreatment and torture of individuals detained during security activities post 9/11, REDRESS said today. On the contrary, the settlement underscores the imperative for a full… Read More

European Court case underscores responsibilities of UK army to respect human rights of detainees : case of Al Sadoon and Mufdhi v The United Kingdom (Application no.61498/08)

The European Court of Human Rights’ decision in this case became final – the Court determined that the UK Government breached the European Convention when UK army officials in Basra transferred two Iraqis, Faisal Al Saadoon and Khalaf Mufdhi to Iraqi custody where they faced a real risk of death by hanging. The… Read More

REDRESS and Victims Rights Working Group celebrate International Justice Day 17 July 2010 statement 

REDRESS and Victims Rights Working Group (VRWG) members across the world are celebrating International Justice Day this 17 July, commemorating the adoption of the Rome Statute establishing the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 1998. The ICC is important to victims as the first permanent and independent international justice institution tasked with ending… Read More

Torture inquiry announcements are a mixed bag: inquiry will lack power to make formal political leaders reveal the truth statement

REDRESS, the international human rights organisation with a mandate to help torture survivors obtain justice, acknowledges the significance of British Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement to Parliament yesterday of the creation of a judge-led inquiry into whether the UK government and its intelligence agencies were implicated in the improper treatment of detainees abroad that… Read More

International day in support of victims of torture: human rights groups call on the Cambodian Government to Comply with the UN Torture Convention

26 June 2010 marks 23 years since the United Nations’ Convention against Torture came into force. 146 States have joined up to this landmark Convention, undertaking to prevent, prosecute and provide reparations  for  torture and end impunity for one of  the worst crimes known  to mankind. Today, we express our grave concern about the prevalence of torture and other prohibited ill-treatment, the lack of investigation, prosecution and punishment of such crimes. Today we show our solidarity with victims of torture her in Cambodia and around the world. Cambodia acceded to the… Read More