Call for Proposals: Global Initiative Against Impunity for International Crimes and Serious Human Rights Violations: Making Justice Work

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“Global Initiative Against Impunity for International Crimes and Serious Human Rights Violations: Making Justice Work” Programme, is launching a Call for Proposals aiming to support local actors globally. The deadline for submission of application forms is 17 August 2024.

The “Global Initiative Against Impunity for International Crimes and Serious Human Rights Violations: Making Justice Work” is a programme co-founded and initiated by the European Union, whose goal is to promote inclusive, integrated, comprehensive justice and accountability for serious human rights violations worldwide. This action is implemented by a Consortium of nine organisations and two associate partners: The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) as the lead agency, Civil Rights Defenders, The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR), Impunity Watch (IW), Parliamentarians for Global Action (PGA), Redress, TRIAL International, Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice (WIGJ), Coalition for the International Criminal Court (CICC), The Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities (AIPG), associate partner, and The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), associate partner.


This call supports projects addressing gaps and less documented issues, ensuring a holistic approach to transitional justice. Project proposals are expected to be contributing to integrated actions for comprehensive justice and accountability for serious human rights violations.

The project proposals must align with one or more of the following specific objectives:

  • Increased agency and participation of right-holders (victims, survivors, civil society organisations) in formal and informal justice processes.
  • Enhanced effectiveness of the accountability frameworks and systems to fight impunity and ensure victim-centred, trauma-informed and gender-transformative justice.
Financial allocations and project duration

The minimum amount awarded per grant will be EUR 30,000 and the maximum amount will be EUR 60,000. On an exceptional basis, grants up to EUR 80,000 will be awarded when a project requires a higher level of financial support in order to achieve the objectives.

The implementation period is minimum 6 months and maximum 18 months with possibility for minor changes not involving additional funding. Expected results of the projects and fixed list of activities can be found in the Guidelines for Applicants below.


In order to be eligible, the applicant must:

  • Be a registered civil society organisation (CSO), including those operating in exile. Non-registered CSOs will be eligible for consideration within this call for proposals. CSOs established for non-profit purposes with a mandate or a strategic priority in the fight against impunity.
  • Be a CSO established for non-profit purposes actively participating in shaping judicial processes, engaging with decisions-makers on the fight against impunity and/or working on holistic justice and accountability processes.
  • Have sufficient capacity and readiness to manage the financial support requested and to provide reports on its use and impact.
How to apply?
Steps Description
1. Call for proposals Call for proposals will be open on the 17 July 2024. Applicants will have one month to submit the applications, alongside relevant documents.
2. Online Information Sessions

Online Information sessions in English, Spanish, French, Russian and Arabic for this call will be held:

• One hour info session in English, on the 23 July, 11:00, CET

• One hour info session in Spanish, on the 23 July, 17:00, CET

• One hour info session in Russian, on the 24 July, 10:00, CET • One hour info session in Arabic, on the 24 July, 14:00, CET

• One hour info session in French, on the 25 July, 11:00, CET

Organisations interested in attending the information session, can register their participation at this link. Registrations will be closed on 22 July 12:00 CET.

3. Deadline and Inquiries Deadline to submit applications is 17 August 23:59 CET. Proposals should be submitted to the following email address: [email protected] Inquiries should be submitted to the following email address: [email protected]
3. Assessment and Approval In September 2024, upon completion of the review and selection process successful applicants will be notified via email. Project team together with grantees will identify indicators that will be monitored and reported on during the project.
Application Content and Formats

Applicants must complete and submit their applications in English. The proposal must be composed of:

  • A narrative proposal detailing the action (use of template in Annex I)
  • A budget proposal in EURO (use of template in Annex II)
  • Proof of registration (for registered organisations). The organisation’s most recent yearly report and/or financial statements (if available)
  • Supporting document for payment details (bank document or screenshot from online banking)



ANNEX I (Project Proposal Template).

ANNEX II (Budget Proposal Template).