
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Implementation of Decisions

This Practice Note provides guidance for individuals and organisations litigating before regional and international human rights treaty bodies and courts on how to facilitate the implementation of their decisions and judgments. It includes advice and examples on not only legal strategy and how to ensure victims' involvement, but also on working with local communities, communications, and advocacy. Suggestions are also provided on staffing and fundraising for these activities in an organisation. While the guidance in primarily for those engaging in regional or international litigation, it is also relevant for cases before national courts relating to torture.

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Policy Briefing: Domestic Accountability Efforts in Sudan

Sudan’s transitional government has taken some important steps towards securing justice for past human rights violations and international crimes in Sudan, but more is needed. As this policy briefing discusses, this includes additional progress on the planned justice institutions under the Juba Peace Agreement and Constitutional Charter 2019, and the elimination of remaining legal and institutional obstacles to accountability. To date, the perpetrators of serious human rights violations and international crimes in Sudan have, by and large, not been held accountable, even as human rights violations continue throughout Sudan.

Practice Note: Istanbul Protocol Medico-Legal Reports

This practice note is primarily intended to assist clinicians such as physicians and clinical psychologists to undertake an assessment and produce a report that adheres to the Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (Istanbul Protocol).

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Practice Note: The Law Against Torture

This guide is part of a series of practice notes designed to support holistic strategic litigation on behalf of torture survivors. It is aimed at lawyers, researchers, activists, and health professionals who assist torture survivors in the litigation process. It reproduces the substantive provisions of key international and regional legal instruments on the protection against and prevention of torture. It can be used to identify the elements of the crime of torture in the context of international and regional human rights law, humanitarian and criminal law, and provides for standards on redress and the treatment of persons in detention. It can help inform legal arguments and provide for quick reference at hearings or meetings. REDRESS would like to thank the Matrix Causes Fund and the United Nations Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture for their generous support of this project.

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Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2021

The 2021 Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review (UJAR) highlights the impact of COVID-19 on prosecutions of torture, war crimes and other universal jurisdiction crimes across the world. It was researched and produced by TRIAL International with the contribution of REDRESS, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, the International Federation for Human Rights, the Center for Justice and Accountability and Civitas Maxima. It benefited from the generous support of the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, the Oak Foundation, the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office of the United Kingdom and the City of Geneva.

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Submission for the Universal Periodic Review of Sudan

REDRESS and the People's Legal Aid Centre (PLACE) made this submission as part of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Sudan. The submission focuses on progress made by Sudan's transitional government towards the effective prohibition of torture and other human rights abuses, as well as the additional steps needed to ensure their non-repetition and accountability for past violations,

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Policy Briefing: Financial Accountability For Perpetrators of Torture and Other Serious Human Rights Abuses

Perpetrators of torture and other serious human rights violations often profit financially from the abuses they carry out, whether directly (for example, through the proceeds of forced labour) or indirectly (for example, as part of a broader scheme of grand corruption). Yet, rarely are perpetrators deprived of their assets, nor do survivors receive reparations to repair adequately the harm they have suffered. With the support of the Knowledge Platform for Security & Rule of Law, we have identified a number of models that can promote financial accountability, through seizing or confiscating perpetrators’ illicit assets, and/or using those assets to pay reparations to their victims.

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Cover Financial Accountability for Torture Framework

Financial Accountability for Torture and Other Human Rights Abuses Framework

REDRESS’ Framework for Financial Accountability for Torture and Other Human Rights Abuses is designed to be used by NGOs and practitioners around the world that act on behalf of victims. It aims to serve as a tool to help identify, develop and evaluate potential case strategies for pursuing financial accountability for torture and other serious human rights abuses. The Framework identifies a range of legal and advocacy models that promote financial accountability, and challenge the financial impunity that some perpetrators enjoy. A core objective is to use perpetrators’ assets to fund reparations for their victims where appropriate mechanisms permit this.  

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