
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

REDRESS Bulletin: First edition

In this bulletin, we draw attention to our most recent casework, including the release of prominent Ethiopian political activist Andy Tsege from prison, after four years on death row, and our events to mark REDRESS' 25th anniversary. We also provide the latest updates on our advocacy campaigns, publications and policy work during March-August 2018, including the publication of our new country-specific guides to assist those documenting and investigating conflict-related sexual violence in Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Iraq.

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Joint NGOs letter to the European Commission regarding Ali Mamluk’s case

In this letter, REDRESS and other international and Syrian NGOs call on the European Commission to begin infringement proceedings to determine whether Italy breached EU law by allowing a suspected Syrian war criminal, Ali Mamluk, Head of Syria's National Security Bureau, to visit the country earlier in 2018. The EU has issued travel and financial restrictions against Ali Mamluk as early as 9 May 2011 because of his involvement in violence against demonstrators in Syria and a European Parliament resolution in March 2018 declared his visit to Italy to be a ‘flagrant violation’ of the EU decision. The NGOs letter is written in support of a complaint submitted to the European Commission by the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).  

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Making Sense of Reparations at the International Criminal Court

This background paper prepared by REDRESS provides a succinct overview of reparations at the ICC in order to help frame the discussion during a Victims' Rights Working Group Lunch Talk, 'Making sense of reparations at the International Criminal Court' that took place on 20 June 2018 at the Residence of the Finnish Ambassador in The Hague.

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Tainted by Torture: Examining the Use of Torture Evidence

This report, written by REDRESS and Fair Trials, reveals that state authorities continue to rely routinely on evidence obtained through torture in criminal cases by looking at the law and practice in 17 countries from Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa and the Americas.

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Fostering Victims’ Rights in the Proposed Crimes Against Humanity Convention

This report, ‘Fostering Victims’ Rights in the Proposed Crimes Against Humanity Convention’, has been submitted to the International Law Commission as part of its ongoing drafting of a Crimes Against Humanity Convention. REDRESS suggests that the final text of any new Crimes against Humanity Convention is consistent with standards that already apply to victims of crimes under international law, including victims of crimes against humanity, and does not compromise existing rights and protections.

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Annual Report 2018

Our annual report for 2018 provides an overview of the work that REDRESS undertook from 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018.

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Joint submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Chad

This submission to the Universal Periodic Review of Chad, presented by REDRESS, the Chadian Association for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights and Human Rights Watch, focuses on one issue: the Chadian government’s failure to make reparations to victims of Hissène Habré-era abuses despite its legal obligations and a 2015 decision by a Chadian court ordering it to provide compensation to over 7,000 victims.

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Supplement to the International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence in Conflict: Myanmar-Specific Guidance for Practitioners

This guide, authored by REDRESS and the Institute for International Criminal Investigations (IICI), aims to assist practitioners gather evidence of conflict and atrocity-related sexual violence in Myanmar. It complements the second edition of the International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence in Conflict, which was published in March 2017 by the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). It looks at the specific context for such violence in Myanmar, the forms it commonly takes and impacts it may have, available legal avenues for justice at the domestic and international levels, specific evidential and procedural requirements and practical issues that may arise when documenting sexual violence crimes in the country. All users are free to update, correct and adapt the Supplement as needed.