
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Victim and Witness Protection at the Ugandan International Crimes Division (ICD)

This report, co-authored by REDRESS and Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF), summarises the proceedings of a workshop on victim and witness protection at the International Crimes Division (ICD), the first domestic court in Uganda to try international crimes. Participants included ICD judges, registrar, prosecutors, and victims’ counsel, alongside national and international experts, who discussed which measures can be put in place to ensure the safety and well-being of victims and witnesses throughout the process despite the lack of protection laws and national protection mechanism.

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Intégrer les droits des victimes dans les procédures de la Cour pénale spéciale en République Centrafricaine

Ce rapport a été rédigé par The Redress Trust (REDRESS) avec la contribution de la Fédération Internationale des ligues des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH), la Ligue Centrafricaine des Droits de l ‘Homme (LCDH) et l’Observatoire Centrafricain des Droits de l’Homme (OCDH) (ci-après les Organisations). Ce rapport présente une analyse de la conformité des règles de procédure pénale centrafricaines aux standards internationaux sur les droits des victimes et formule des recommandations sur la façon dont le Règlement de Procédure et de Preuve (RPP)  pourrait combler certaines lacunes. Le rapport vise à identifier comment les droits des victimes pourraient être pris en compte de façon adéquate par le projet de RPP, sur la base des dispositions existantes en droit centrafricain ainsi que des standards internationaux.

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations

This report analyses the steps taken by specialist bodies, UN organs and agencies as well as other international organisations engaged in peacekeeping to address victims' rights and needs following allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers in countries including the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Haiti. It calls for fundamental changes to the way in which these cases are handled, with particular need for the recognition of victims right holders, rather than vulnerable recipients of charity or benevolence.

Joint NGO letter to the European Parliament Delegation for Iran Regarding Dual Nationals

REDRESS, together with the World Organisation against Torture, the International Federation for Human Rights, and Fair Trials, sent this letter to the European Parliament Delegation for Relations with Iran, in order to raise serious concerns about the well-being of a number of European dual nationals detained in Iran.  

Comments on the Development of an Effective Legal Aid Policy for Victims at the ICC

In this submission, REDRESS provides observations concerning the provision of legal aid for victims at the International Criminal Court (ICC), so as to ensure their meaningful and effective access to justice. These comments build on and complement REDRESS's previous recommendations in 2012, and are submitted to the Registry in order to assist the ongoing review of the Court’s Legal Aid System (LAS). These comments have been developed on the basis of REDRESS's extensive experience working with victims at the ICC, and includes interviews with legal representatives of victims and civil society actors.

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Establishing a Trust Fund for Victims in the case of Hissène Habré: Options for the Way Forward

The African Union adopted a resolution in 2016 establishing the Trust Fund responsible for collecting and disbursing reparations to victims of ex-Chad dictator Hissène Habré. The Trust Fund has been mandated to search for and recover Habré’s assets and to seek voluntary contributions from States and other willing parties. This note – prepared by REDRESS and the Association Tchadienne pour la Paix et les Droits de l’Homme (ATPDH) – seeks to support the establishment of the Trust Fund for Victims by outlining what future Terms of Reference of the Trust Fund could look like. It was shared with the African Union Office of Legal Affairs and other key stakeholders involved in the establishment of the Trust Fund in April 2016.  

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Submission to CAT regarding Revised General Comment on implementation of Article 3

REDRESS, in collaboration with eight human rights organisations, has submitted joint observations on the revised General Comment No. 1 (2017) on the implementation of Article 3 of the Convention Against Torture, which enshrines the prohibition of refoulement. The revised General Comment will be a critically important tool for States parties in implementing Article 3, by providing guidance on the full scope of their obligations in relation to the prohibition of removing persons to States where they risk torture or other prohibited treatment.  

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2017 REDRESS Annual Report

Our annual report for 2017 provides an overview of the work that REDRESS undertook in over 37 countries affecting approximately one thousand individual torture survivors from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017. Much of our progress has been made in the face of increasing global and national challenges to the eradication of torture, including the international resurgence of nationalistic and xenophobic regimes, the protracted continuation of various armed conflicts, rising hostility to NGO activity, and the entrenchment of ever more extreme anti-terrorism policies. Despite this, REDRESS has continued to fight for justice and accountability on behalf of our clients this year, aided by new partnerships with lawyers, civil society groups, prosecution services and academics around the world.