
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Sudan’s Human Rights Crisis: High time to take Article 2 of the Covenant Seriously

REDRESS and the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) have brought to the attention of the UN Human Rights Committee the "serious, ongoing human rights crisis" in Sudan, marked by widespread and ongoing human rights violations. In a report submitted to the Committee, which will be reviewing Sudan's human rights record on 8 and 9 July 2014, the organisations document the continued use of stoning, amputation and whipping in Sudan in violation of Sudan’s human rights obligations. They also draw attention to the killings and torture of hundreds of students, activists, journalists and human rights defenders by the intelligence and security forces, and the gross violations being carried out in armed conflicts in Darfur, South Kordofan and Blue Nile.  

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Civil Society Letter to EU Genocide Network on the Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Crimes

REDRESS, FIDH, TRIAL, ECCHR, AI and HRW have sent a letter to the EU national contact points on international crimes ahead of the 16th meeting of the European Network of contact points, taking place in The Hague on 21 and 22 May 2014, in respect of persons responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes regarding the planned discussion on the investigation and prosecution of sexual and gender-based violence as crimes under international law. Our  organisations take this opportunity to draw practitioners’ attention to the common obstacles and challenges faced in efforts to combat impunity for sexual and gender-base crimes.

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CEDAW Draft Recommendation on Women’s Access to Justice

REDRESS and SIHA (Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa) have submitted these comments to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) 's Draft Recommendation on Women's Access to Justice.

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Comments on the draft strategic plan of the ICC Trust Fund for Victims

REDRESS presented these observations to the Trust Fund for Victims of the International Criminal Court's Draft Strategic Plan 2014-2017 as part of a public consulation by its Secretariat. REDRESS' comments relate only to some of the fundamental aspects of the Strategic Plan, focusing on the regulatory framework, its mission, goals (and related programme strategies) and its core values.

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Submission to UN Human Rights Committee on Poland

In this submission, REDRESS requests the inclusion of one issue in the List of Issues Prior to Reporting on Poland: the involvement of Polish authorities in the United States’ Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programme from 2002 and 2005, and the State party’s continued failure to effectively investigate those allegations, disclose the truth about violations, and provide redress to victims.

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Investigating Lithuania’s complicity in the USA’s CIA Rendition, Detention and Interrogation Programme

This joint report by REDRESS and human rights groups Amnesty International, Human Rights Monitoring Institute, INTERIGHTS and Reprieve is based on research, investigations, advocacy and litigation in relation to: the United States Central Intelligence Agency's programme of extraordinary rendition, secret detention and interrogation of detainees suspected of terrorism (RDI Programme) and the alleged involvement and complicity of other States, including Lithuania, which are suspected of having facilitated and participated in the programme.  

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Joint NGOs Letter on the Detainee Inquiry and the Intelligence and Security Committee

In this letter addressed to the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, REDRESS and nine other human rights groups respond to the UK government’s announcement on 19 December 2013 that the parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) has been tasked with examining allegations of UK complicity in torture and other ill-treatment of detainees held overseas; allegations that previously had been the subject of the Detainee Inquiry, chaired by Sir Peter Gibson. The organisations reiterate their position that an inquiry compliant with international human rights standards is what is required to get to the truth about these allegations and fulfill the UK’s obligations under international law.

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