
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Practice Note: Evaluating the Impact of Strategic Litigation against Torture

This Practice Note considers 10 possible impacts of strategic litigation and provides examples on how to strengthen these impacts. It discusses in detail the process of impact evaluation, answering the question of when an impact evaluation should be conducted and by whom. The Practice Note also considers common challenges in evaluation of impact for strategic litigation of torture.

Practice Note: Case Management & Digital Security for Strategic Litigation against Torture

This Practice Note highlights some good practices for case management in the context of torture and ill-treatment. It also covers the basic building blocks of effective case management and general principles for digital security for effective case management.

Guide to Justice, Accountability and Reparations for Survivors of Torture

This Guide provides information for survivors of torture, their families, friends, and front-line service providers who are based in the UK about the options available to seek justice, reparation, and accountability for the torture suffered. We want to thank the following translators: Nour Mahameed and Balkees Mgadami (Arabic), Julie Deschaud, Elsa Bohne and Camille Chandran (French); Valeria Fernandez Soriano and Yermaine Garza (Spanish).

Open Letter on the Continued Repression of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights Staff

In this open letter, REDRESS and 19 Egyptian and international non-governmental organisations urge the Embassies of Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States to Egypt, and the European Union Delegation to Egypt, to take action to end the restrictive and arbitrary measures imposed on members of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR). These measures, which include travel bans, asset freezes and unreasonably prolonged judicial investigations, constitute serious violations of the right to freedom of association, and reflect Egypt’s broader attempts to stifle independent civil society.

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Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on the Duty to Investigate Crimes of Torture in National Law and Practice

This submission responds to a call for input from the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on the challenges preventing effective accountability and justice for victims and survivors of torture, and good practices on the duty to investigate crimes of torture. REDRESS’s submission identifies: Inadequacies in national legal frameworks against torture, including the failure to properly criminalise torture, and procedural barriers to accountability; Obstacles to national investigations and prosecutions of torture, in particular illustrated by the case of Sudan; Specific challenges for the investigation of discriminatory torture, in particular torture against LGBTIQ+ persons and human rights defenders, and opportunities to strengthen mutual legal assistance in the investigation and prosecution of torture as an international crime.

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The Bars of the Prison Grew Around Us: The Systematic Human Rights Violations of Iran’s Hostage-Taking Practice

This report, authored by the Free Nazanin Campaign and REDRESS, details for the first time the systematic pattern of human rights abuses committed through Iran’s hostage-taking practice. The report draws in part from detailed testimonies from 26 victims of hostage-taking or their family members, who shared their experiences from their initial detention and interrogation through illegitimate legal proceedings, abuses suffered during imprisonment, false and abusive propaganda by the regime, and their use as “diplomatic assets”.

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Fact Sheet: The UK’s Use of Coordinated Magnitsky Sanctions

This factsheet provides recommendations to the UK Government on how to improve its multilateral approach to Magnitsky sanctions by sanctioning more perpetrators already identified and sanctioned by partner jurisdictions where they meet the requirements for designation under the UK regime, and where the UK has failed to sanction.

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Joint NGO Letter Regarding the UK Government’s Proposed National Security Bill

This letter, signed by a coalition of NGOS, raises serious concerns about the UK government’s proposed National Security Bill, in particular, the possibility that it might shield ministers or officials from accountability for assisting murder and torture, or prevent victims of torture from receiving compensation on the basis of inscrutable ‘national security factors’. The letter requests that clauses 27 and 79-83, along with Schedule 13, be withdrawn from the Bill.

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