
Submission to the Australian Senate Inquiry into State Hostage-Taking

Submission to the Australian Senate Inquiry into State Hostage-Taking

Submission by REDRESS to Australia’s Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee inquiry into the wrongful detention of Australian citizens overseas. The submission outlines REDRESS’s recommendations that the Australian Government assess its policies to ensure the protection of its nationals overseas from torture and ill-treatment, including consulting survivors and families… Read More

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Briefing Paper: Protecting British Nationals Taken Hostage

Briefing Paper: Protecting British Nationals Taken Hostage

State hostage-taking, where individuals are arbitrarily detained by foreign governments for diplomatic leverage, involves serious violations of human rights, including the right not to be subjected to torture and ill-treatment, the right to liberty and a fair trial, and in some cases the right to life. According to the UK… Read More

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Briefing Paper: Consular Assistance in Domestic Legal Frameworks

Briefing Paper: Consular Assistance in Domestic Legal Frameworks

This briefing identifies different approaches towards the provision of consular assistance to a State’s nationals in domestic legal frameworks, addressing the responsibilities a State owes towards its nationals when they are located outside its territorial borders. It offers an overview to policy-makers of four different models for the provision of… Read More

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