
ANNEX: Allegations of Abuses by Private Security Contractors Providing Immigration Services in the UK

The annex document lists the allegations of human rights abuse, reports and sources of the cases made against different private security contractors working in countries like South Africa, the USA, UK, Israel, Iraq, Australia. Read More

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Rendered Silent: Ongoing Violations Arising from the Denial of “High Value Detainees’” Right to Complain of Torture and other Ill-Treatment

Joint Submission by REDRESS, ICJ and OMCT to the Committee Against Torture in relation to its examination of the United States of America’s Third to Fifth State Party Report

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REDRESS Submission to Parliamentary Inquiry into the Use of Immigration Detention

This submission provides evidence on the use of immigration detention in the UK, outlining the need for UK immigration policy to be principled, coherent and effective in supporting those feeling torture and ill-treatment, with allegations of torture effectively investigated; perpetrators brought to justice and victims afforded reparations.  … Read More

Uganda Victims Foundation’s Transitional Justice Working Paper 2014

In this briefing paper, the Uganda Victims Foundation identifies the categories of victims, types of interim support needed, processes necessary to meet the reparative needs and proposed time frames that the government policy should target for interim reparations. UVF is mindful that the government has to mobilise resources if it is to meet… Read More

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Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee (List of Issues – United Kingdom)

Submitted to the 112th Session of the Human Rights Committee - Pre-sessional meeting on the United Kingdom, 7-31 October 2014

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A Victim-Centred Prosecutorial Strategy to Respect Victims’ Rights and Enhance Prosecutions

REDRESS provided a submission to the Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparation and Guarantees of Non-Recurrence on the ways in which victims’ views can be included as an integral part of framing, developing and pursuing prosecutorial strategies in transitional justice contexts.      … Read More

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