
Sudan – Universal Periodic Review

REDRESS and the Sudanese Human Rights Monitor author a submission regarding the need for legislative reform on Sudan due to human rights violations. 

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Implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the National Interim Constitution? An empirical assessment of the law reform process in Sudan: Challenges and Prospects

Promoting law reform in Sudan to enhance human rights protection, strengthen the rule of law and foster democratic processes

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Time for genuine reform of Sudanese security laws

The Project for Criminal Law Reform in Sudan (PCLRS)** today released a report entitled ‘Security for All – Reforming Sudan’s National Security Law.’ The report contains specific suggestions for legal reform and a set of recommendations drawing on national and international standards and comparative experiences. The full report is available… Read More

SUDAN: Rushed legislative reforms are counterproductive

Distinguished legal experts and human rights organisations today expressed their concerns about current efforts to rush through key legislation without adequate consultation. These reforms, including legislation on national security and the media, have important implications for human rights in Sudan. The lack of consultation adds to a series of deficiencies,… Read More