
European Court case underscores responsibilities of UK army to respect human rights of detainees : case of Al Sadoon and Mufdhi v The United Kingdom (Application no.61498/08)

The European Court of Human Rights’ decision in this case became final – the Court determined that the UK Government breached the European Convention when UK army officials in Basra transferred two Iraqis, Faisal Al Saadoon and Khalaf Mufdhi to Iraqi custody where they faced a real risk of death by hanging. The… Read More

AI, ICJ, FIDH and REDRESS submission on the Council of Europe Draft Guidelines on Eradicating Impunity for Serious Human Rights Violations

REDRESS and others jointly submit comments regarding the Draft Guidelines on Eradication Impunity for Serious Human Rights Violations.

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AI, ICJ and REDRESS Comments on the draft reference text for the Council of Europe Guidelines on Eradicating Impunity for Serious Human Rights Violations

Amnesty International, the International Commission of Jurists and REDRESS jointly submit further recommendations for the inclusion of additional references to the Draft Reference-texts for the Guidelines of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on Eradicating Impunity for Serious Human Rights Violations.  … Read More

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Inquiry into alleged UK Involvement in the Mistreatment of Detainees held Abroad

REDRESS and others collectively submitted comments to ensure the success of David Cameron's initiative to open an inquiry regarding the UK's involvement in the mistreatment of detainees held abroad. 

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Review of the Implementation of Recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur on Torture, after his Mission to Nepal in 2005

REDRESS has submitted comments regarding the development of anti-torture laws in Nepal given their recommendations by the UN Rapporteur on torture.

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