
A resounding NO to the use of torture

REDRESS, the international NGO that represents torture survivors in the UK and abroad, joins other organisations in calling for the Government to avoid any and all complicity in torture. REDRESS recognises the duty of all States to protect those within their borders from terrorism, but reminds that the prohibition against… Read More

Diplomatic agreements cannot be used to return people to torture

The REDRESS Trust (“REDRESS” ) is deeply concerned over the British Government’s stated intention to deport foreign nationals resident in the UK to their home countries or to third countries where they would risk being tortured or face other ill-treatment. These planned deportations would apparently be based on “ diplomatic… Read More

Prosecution of UK soldiers important first step

The UK authorities announced yesterday that several British soldiers who were serving in Iraq are to stand trial under the International Criminal Court Act 2001 following allegations of inhuman treatment including the death of an Iraqi civilian. One of the servicemen also faces charges of manslaughter and perverting the course… Read More

“UK must not be a safe haven for torture”

Today, the trial of Mr Faryadi Sarwar Zardad, an Afghan national, opens at the Old Bailey in London where he will be charged with conspiracy to torture and conspiracy to take hostages. The conspiracy to torture indictment reads: “Between 31st December 1991 and 30th September 1996 in Afghanistan [he] agreed with… Read More

Improving access to justice in Sudan: a legal training workshop

A number of organisations convened a workshop on Improving Access to Justice in Sudan, which brought together lawyers, civil society representatives, human rights organizations from different regions of Sudan and representatives from the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice, police and military. As well as a representative from the international human rights… Read More