Casework database

REDRESS currently has over one hundred active cases in more than 40 countries encompassing all regions of the world. Given the sensitivity of the information, we are only able to highlight information which is in the public domain.  

Dodanpegamage Asantha Aravinda v. Sri Lanka

United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC)

Asantha Aravinda is a Sri Lankan man who was beaten and arbitrarily arrested by the Sri Lankan police in2008 following a traffic accident. He was detained for several days, denied medical care and tortured.   ASANTHA’S STORY  On 28 February 2008, Asantha Aravinda and his friend were riding a motorbike when they almost collided with a truck, whose driver had missed…

Tariku Asefa v Libya

United Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHRC)

While transiting (migrating) through Libya on his journey to Europe, after escaping from Sudan, Tariku was abducted and held captive for over a year. He was tortured and forced to work. After his release he came to the UK and, having been granted asylum, is now seeing redress for what…

Prison bars

S.L. v Venezuela

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)

S.L. (a pseudonym given to her to protect her identity) is a UK national who, whilst being held in prison in Venezuela, died on 13 March 2001 following a lack of medical care for her diabetic condition. S.L.’S STORY On 8 August 2000, S.L. was sentenced to prison in Venezuela.