
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Briefing Paper: Implementing the Right to Reparation

In the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this briefing calls on the UK government to effectively implement the right to reparation in international law through confiscating the assets of corrupt actors and human rights abusers so the proceeds can be used for the benefit of victims. This may be achieved through the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill 2022.

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REDRESS Bulletin: Sixth Edition

In this bulletin, we feature some positive updates on our areas of work. This includes our initiatives in our Reparation programme, such as Magnitsky Sanctions project, through which we seek to impose a financial cost on the perpetrators of torture with travel bans and asset freezes. Another is the Asset Recovery project, where we are developing pilot cases to explore legal routes to seize assets from human rights abusers and redistribute them as reparations to their victims. Also highlighted is the story of Tariku Asefa, which reminds us that much more remains to be done to repair the harm experienced by those who have survived the horrors of torture and enable them to rebuild their lives and regain their place in society. The Bulletin also provides the latest updates on REDRESS’s growing team, advocacy campaigns, publications and policy work in recent months.

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MLA Initiative Joint Civil Society Letter on Asset Recovery

In this submission, REDRESS and eight other civil society organisations request States to include provisions on asset recovery in a new multilateral treaty that is being drafted. The Draft MLA Initiative seeks to improve international cooperation in the domestic prosecution of serious international crimes. The civil society organisations note that the provisions on asset recovery would enhance opportunities to secure the payment of reparations for victims. 

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Civil Society Letter to Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the UN Human Rights Council

In a letter released ahead of the 3rd cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Sudan, REDRESS joined more than 53 Sudanese, regional and international organisations in calling on the UN Human Rights Council to address the ongoing political crisis in Sudan. The signatories highlight that the Human Rights Council must raise the grave human rights violations that have occurred since the military coup on 25 October 2021.

Submission to the International Development Committee: Inquiry into the Effectiveness of the UK Government’s Response to Atrocity Prevention

REDRESS responded to the International Development Committee’s Call for Evidence in its inquiry into the effectiveness of the UK’s approach to atrocity prevention. REDRESS’s submission outlined how the Government’s use of Magnitsky sanctions currently interacts with the UK’s approach to atrocity prevention, and how Magnitsky sanctions could be used more effectively in this context.

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Briefing Paper: All-Party Parliamentary Group on Magnitsky Sanctions

This briefing explains the key objectives of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Magnitsky Sanctions. It details what should be the priorities of the UK government and its range of policy and advocacy activity.

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REDRESS Trustees Annual Report 2021

This report provides information on REDRESS's activities from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, including a review of our impact and activities, governance and management, and a financial review; an Independent Auditors Report, with their opinion on the accounts of the charity for the financial year, and a Statement of Financial Activities, with a detailed review of our finances for the year.

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Q&A on Enforced Disappearances in Africa

This Q&A aims to help journalists navigate the complexities of reporting on enforced disappearances in Africa, a particularly cruel human rights abuse that is prevalent on the continent, frequently used by governments as a method of repression, terror, and stifling dissent. Human rights advocates, political opposition, union leaders, journalists and minority groups are often targeted. The Q&A addresses key concepts and terminology; the main contexts in which it happens in Africa; the main obstacles faced by victims seeking justice; and the shortcomings in the available data. It also offers guidance on how to mitigate the risks to journalists and victims when reporting on enforced disappearances.