
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Module 7: Advocacy

This training module gives an overview of Advocacy, building advocacy strategy and identifying advocacy outcomes and targets. The module also discuss how to develop a survivor-centred narrative, the importance of building alliances and timing advocacy efforts.

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Module 6: Negotiation and Settlement

This training module gives an overview on negotiation and settlements, how to consider settlement for torture cases, the power imbalance in settlement negotiations, and also examines the settlements under regional or domestic systems.

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Module 5: Instigating Prosecutions for Torture

This training module gives an overview of States' obligation in providing effective protection of the rights and freedoms recognised by international law, including the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment, its duty to investigate, prosecute and punish.

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Module 4: SGBV as Torture

This training module examines which instances SGBV constitutes to torture, situations where SGBV takes place, and state obligations towards survivors, including the obligation to redress.

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Module 3: Enforced Disappearance as Torture

This training module provides an overview on enforced disappearance (ED), the victims of ED and how to provide relief to them, and the reparation for victims of ED.

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Module 2: The UN Convention against Torture

This training module explains the definition of torture, the purpose of the UN Convention against Torture, and the prohibition of torture and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment ("CIDTP").

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Module 1: Holistic Strategic Litigation against Torture

This training module explains what holistic strategic litigation is, and how to do it in the context of torture and ill-treatment cases, in particular before international and regional human rights treaty bodies.

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Practice Note: Working with Child Victims of Trauma

This practice note provides an overview of the psychological aspects of working with child victims of trauma in strategic litigation. It is designed to help inform civil society organisations and legal practitioners that work on human rights litigation and other forms of public interest litigation involving child victims of torture, sexual abuse or other forms of trauma.

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