
REDRESS’ publications are also available in hard copy format. Please contact us for further information on [email protected].

Torture in the Americas: The Law and Practice

This report provides a review of laws, practices and patterns of torture, examining the availability and effectiveness of safeguards, accountability mechanisms and avenues to obtain reparation for torture in several countries of the Americas region, including Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, United States of America and Venezuela. It reflects both systemic challenges and best practices identified by participants of a regional expert meeting that was held in Lima, Peru, in 2012, as part of the REDRESS initiative “Reparation for Torture: Global Sharing of Expertise”, supported by the European Union.

Submission to the Foreign Affairs Committee for its Annual Inquiry into the FCO’s Human Rights Work in 2012

This submission is in response to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s invitation for submissions of evidence in respect of its inquiry announced on 17 April 2013 into “Human Rights and Democracy: The 2012 Foreign and Commonwealth Office Report”. REDRESS's submission addresses two issues in particular: the FCO’s efforts to strengthen the ability of states to counter terrorism whilst working to protect human rights in those states; the declaration by G8 Foreign Ministers on the prevention of sexual violence in conflict, and the impact of the FCO’s Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative. Other aspects covered include human rights for British nationals tortured abroad; the UK as a safe haven for suspected perpetrators of human rights abuses; torture prevention and reparation; and countries of concern.

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Malaga statement on justice and redress for Palestinian Victims

From 23-24 April 2013, representatives of 13 Palestinian, Israeli, and international organisations, and a number of international lawyers and legal experts, came together in Malaga, Spain, to discuss the critical situation facing Palestinian victims who attempt to seek compensation for death, injury, and destruction of property. In this statement, the organisation call on the international, Israeli and Palestinian legal communities to confront these challenges and help to remove the obstacles to justice and redress for Palestinian victims.

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Nepal: Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee for List of Issues

This submission, authored by REDRESS, Advocacy Forum-Nepal and the Association for the Prevention of Torture, was made in relation to the pre-sessional meeting of the country taskforce on Nepal during the 108th session of the Human Rights Committee that took place from 8 to 26 July 2013. This submission sets out the organisations' main concerns in relation to Nepal's implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), including the widespread impunity for past and ongoing human rights violations.

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Submission to the Committee against Torture: List of Issues for Consideration of the UK’s 5th State Party Report

In this submission, REDRESS comments on some of the Issues for consideration of the Committee against Torture in its examination of the UK’s 5th State Party Report. Some of REDRESS' concerns are direct consequences of the UK’s counter-terrorism policies, particularly the role of the security services, along with the conduct of the armed forces in Iraq and in Afghanistan, which have damaged the UK’s credibility as a State committed to the eradication of torture, and risk undermining the positive steps it has taken to advance the anti-torture agenda worldwide.

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Access to Justice for Victims of Systematic Crimes in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities

From 13-14 April 2012, in the margins of the NGO Forum preceding the 51st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), lawyers and other experts met in Kololi, The Gambia, to discuss victims’ experiences of accessing justice and seeking reparation. Participants included lawyers and experts from Algeria, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Libya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan and Zimbabwe. Participants explored challenges and potential solutions in accessing justice at the national, (sub-) regional and international levels. Their presentations and discussions form the basis of this paper.

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Bahrain: Fundamental reform or torture without end?

This report considers torture and ill-treatment in Bahrain after the implementation of the reforms that were recommended by the Bahrain International Commission of Inquiry (BICI) following serious human rights violations committed by State agents after the February protests of 2011. The report draws on the past experiences of REDRESS and IRCT in the country and their joint mission to Bahrain in April-May 2012, which involved the medical documentation of cases of alleged torture and ill-treatment. The report concludes that torture and ill-treatment continue, and that obligations towards victims have not been met.