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REDRESS works to support torture survivors to obtain justice and reparation. Our work in support of survivors of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment is only possible because of the donations we receive from members of the public. We are always looking for people to help us raise… Read More

Joint letter to UK Ambassador to Iran ahead of the Europe Iran Forum

This letter, authored by REDRESS and Amnesty International UK, urged the UK Ambassador to Iran, Nicholas Hopton, to press for the release of two dual nationals arbitrarily detained in Iran, ahead of the 4th Europe-Iran Forum business conference series that took place in 2017 in Zurich at which he was… Read More

Le droit à la réparation dans le Règlement de Procédure et de Preuve de la Cour Pénale Spéciale

Les parties civiles devant la Cour Pénale Spéciale (« CPS ») sont victimes de violations graves du droit international. Par conséquent, les réparations symboliques ou morales, à elles seules, ne sont pas suffisantes pour remédier au préjudice subi. Le Règlement de procédure et preuve («RPP ») risquerait d’être en contradiction avec le… Read More

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Survivors’ Stories

If you or a family member have been tortured, and you need help to obtain justice and reparation, please visit Help for Survivors. REDRESS works on the front-line of justice, achieving positive judgments and outcomes that can have a profound and lasting impact on the lives of torture survivors. Read More

Magdulein Abaida: a Libyan women’s rights activist in exile

Magdulein Abaida was campaigning for women’s equality during the drafting of the new Libyan constitution when she was abducted and tortured by a militia group in 2012. She was forced to flee to the UK where she obtained asylum. REDRESS filed a complaint before the UN demanding an apology and… Read More