REDRESS is co-hosting a panel event with the Global Magnitsky Justice Campaign and FairSquare on the fringe of the Labour conference discussing how a Labour Government can ensure the safe return of British Nationals arbitrarily detained abroad.
READ THE REPORT READ THE REPORT SUMMARY Today, REDRESS has launched a new report on “Financial Accountability at the International Criminal Court”. The report explores how the asset recovery mechanisms of the ICC can be deployed to obtain financial recovery for… Read More
REDRESS is inviting applications for financial partnerships to support strategic litigation against torture in the context of protests and discrimination against LGBTIQ+ persons.
REDRESS is seeking applications for financial support to cover some of the casework costs of legal cases against torture, particularly torture in the context of protests and discrimination against LGBTIQ+ persons.
This report explores how the asset recovery mechanisms of the ICC can be deployed to obtain financial recovery for survivors of international crimes. It also provides guidance for national stakeholders on how to respond to, and implement, requests for cooperation by the Court to recover the assets of persons accused… Read More
Submission by REDRESS to Australia’s Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee inquiry into the wrongful detention of Australian citizens overseas. The submission outlines REDRESS’s recommendations that the Australian Government assess its policies to ensure the protection of its nationals overseas from torture and ill-treatment, including consulting survivors and families… Read More
Manuel Rojas Boyán fue torturado por el ejército por su papel en la oposición a la dictadura de Bolivia en la década de 1970. A pesar de todo lo que sufrió, Manuel tiene un mensaje positivo que compartir.
Manuel Rojas Boyán was tortured by the Bolivian military for his role in opposing the dictatorship in Bolivia in the 1970s. Despite all that he suffered, Manuel has a positive message to share.