Torture is a widespread and systematic practice in Egypt arguably amounting to a crime against humanity under customary international law and Article 7 of the Rome Statute. At the regional level, the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, has confirmed in four cases that torture occurs in Egypt. Focusing… Read More
In March 2022, Roman Abramovich promised to sell Chelsea Football Club and donate the £2.5 billion to support victims of the war in Ukraine, nearly 7 times the value of humanitarian assistance provided by the UK to Ukraine so far. However, two years on, the sale has hit a… Read More
REDRESS has developed nine key principles that underpin its commitment to being survivor-centred across all work areas, including the three main techniques used to challenge torture and deliver impact: (1) strategic litigation, (2) policy advocacy, and (3) media and communications. These principles fall into three categories: working with survivors, representing… Read More
For most people in the UK, torture is just a word. A synonym for agony, or an exaggerated response to a minor grievance. Sitting through a boring lecture is torture. Traffic is torture. When the word torture is used literally, it is often thought of as happening… Read More
Cameroon, a country facing ongoing violence and human rights violations, continues to show scant regard for the decisions and interventions of international and regional human rights institutions. According to Amnesty International, “repeated requests [to Cameroon] for fact-finding missions have gone unanswered,… Read More
Our regular roundup of news on reparation curated by the REDRESS legal team. If you would like to receive timely updates with the latest developments in our work. Sign up for our newsletter. Just Reparation Bulletin … Read More
NGOs have urged Secretary Blinken and USAID Administrator Power to repurpose a percentage of immobilized Russian sovereign assets towards urgent interim reparation which would address the devastating harms suffered by the most vulnerable survivors of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. According to the U.S. REPO for Ukrainians Act, the Secretary of… Read More
Since 2022, REDRESS has been working alongside a group of UK-based survivors of torture and their family members in the UK. This began with the co-production of the ‘Whose Justice’ report, that highlights what justice means to survivors in practice, why it is important, and what their key barriers are… Read More