
Report of Thematic Briefing to CEDAW on the Challenges for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence to Realise their Right to Reparation

Report of Thematic Briefing to CEDAW on the Challenges for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence to Realise their Right to Reparation

This publication builds on the discussions from a thematic briefing on reparation for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence held by REDRESS and the Global Survivors Fund during the 88th session of CEDAW. It highlights the challenges faced by survivors and the existing gaps in law and practice that hinder the… Read More

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Serious Human Rights Violations Perpetrated in the Context of Mass Civilian Detention in Sudan

Serious Human Rights Violations Perpetrated in the Context of Mass Civilian Detention in Sudan

The armed conflict in Sudan between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces  has caused unprecedented devastation. Rather than mitigating the magnitude of civilian harm caused by their fighting, the warring parties have each exploited the ongoing state of conflict to target civilians. This report is an abridged… Read More

Abordaje Holístico en el Litigio Contra la Tortura y/o Malos Tratos

Abordaje Holístico en el Litigio Contra la Tortura y/o Malos Tratos

Esta guía se elaboró sobre la base de la Nota Práctica 2, originalmente publicada por REDRESS (en inglés) como parte de una serie de documentos diseñados para apoyar el litigio contra la tortura y/o malos tratos en nombre de los sobrevivientes de tortura. Está dirigida a víctimas y a… Read More

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Kavala v Türkiye (third party intervention)

Turkish human rights defender Osman Kavala alleges before the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) that his continued detention – in defiance of two ECtHR judgments finding his detention to be arbitrary and politically motivated and ordering his immediate release – violated his rights under the European Convention on… Read More

Calls for Applications for Financial Support

Calls for Applications for Financial Support

REDRESS is providing support to survivors, CSOs, lawyers, human rights defenders, activists, and journalists around the world seeking justice and reparation for survivors. Please scroll down to see all application opportunities. Financial Support for Casework Costs Up to €6,000 Euros to cover fees and costs for anti-torture casework in the… Read More