
Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on Hostage-Taking and Torture

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on Hostage-Taking and Torture

This submission highlights the relationship between State hostage-taking and torture, demonstrating its severe impact on survivors and their families. Drawing on international standards and trends, it explores legal and practical measures to address this practice, hold perpetrators accountable, and secure redress for survivors. While focusing on the UK context, the… Read More

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Briefing Paper: Victims’ Rights at the International Criminal Court

Briefing Paper: Victims’ Rights at the International Criminal Court

The Victims’ Rights Working Group (VRWG) published this briefing paper during a side-event at 23rd Session of the Assembly of State Parties (ASP) to the Rome Statute. The paper identifies priority areas and key recommendations for the Court’s strategy on victims’ rights. Read More

Briefing Paper: UK Law and the Torture Ban

Briefing Paper: UK Law and the Torture Ban

This briefing paper outlines where UK legislation falls short of upholding the torture ban and makes recommendations on eight laws that should be repealed or amended to comply with international law. These recommendations are the result of our three decades of experience pursuing justice and reparation for survivors of torture,… Read More

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