
LFJL and REDRESS release their analysis of Libya’s draft constitutional recommendations on torture and ill-treatment

LFJL and REDRESS release their analysis of Libya’s draft constitutional recommendations on torture and ill-treatment

قراءة باللغة العربية In response to the publication of the draft constitutional recommendations from Libya’s Constitutional Drafting Assembly (CDA),[1] Lawyers for Justice in Libya (LFJL) and REDRESS have prepared a detailed legal commentary. The commentary analyses and assesses the effectiveness of the proposed provisions in enshrining… Read More

Representing Victims before the ICC: Recommendations on the Legal Representation System

The report analyses the current framework governing the appointment of legal representatives of victims (LRVs) as well as Common Legal Representatives of Victims (CLRV). We examine some of the key factors governing the selection of counsel for victims as well as victims’ limited opportunities to challenge such appointments. We also… Read More

2015 REDRESS Annual Report

Our annual report for 2015 provides an overview of the work that REDRESS undertook in over 25 countries affecting approximately 850 individual torture survivors from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015. The report shows that more and more of our clients are receiving positive judgments from human rights courts… Read More

Nepal: Submission to the UN General Assembly – Universal Periodic Review

REDRESS, in collaboration with the Advocacy Forum, the Asian Human Rights Commission and the World Organization against Torture, made this submission to the UN General Assembly concerning the November 2015 Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of Nepal. Our submission addresses key areas of concern for human rights in Nepal, including continued… Read More

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Torture Survivors’ Handbook: Information and Resources for Torture Survivors in the UK

This handbook for torture survivors contains useful information for victims, their families and friends, community members, and front-line service providers and advisers who work closely with survivors. In it, you can find information on how to access medical rehabilitation and care to address the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of… Read More