
Maroc : 9 ONG inquiètes des mesures d’intimidation exercées contre les victimes de tortures et une ONG qui les représente Après l’assignation en justice de l’ACAT (Action des Chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture) par le Maroc

Maroc : 9 ONG inquiètes des mesures d’intimidation exercées contre les victimes de tortures et une ONG qui les représente Après l’assignation en justice de l’ACAT (Action des Chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture) par le Maroc

Maroc : 9 ONG inquiètes des mesures d’intimidation exercées contre les victimes de tortures et une ONG qui les représente Après l’assignation en justice de l’ACAT (Action des Chrétiens pour l’abolition de la torture) par le Maroc, 9 ONG de défense des droits de l’homme expriment leur inquiétude face aux… Read More

Comments to the ICC Registrar on the ReVision project as it relates to victims’ rights

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Uganda: Dominic Ongwen’s transfer to the ICC, a step towards accountability for crimes by the Lord’s Resistance Army

REDRESS welcomes the transfer of former Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) commander Dominic Ongwen to the International Criminal Court today as an important step towards accountability for the egregious crimes committed by the LRA against thousands of defenceless men, women and children in northern Uganda. “LRA leaders have evaded accountability for… Read More

Civil Society Letter to Latvian Presidency of the EU on the fight against impunity

REDRESS in collaboration with partner organisations, has urged Latvia – the current holder of the EU Presidency – to prioritise the fight against impunity for serious international crimes at the upcoming Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Council meeting, in order to raise awareness of the challenges faced by national criminal justice… Read More

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VRWG Recommendations to the 13th Session of the Assembly of States Parties

The Victims’ Rights Working Group, a coalition of experts and civil society organisations informally facilitated by REDRESS, made a series of recommendations to the Assembly of States Parties that meet in New York from 8 to 17 of December 2014. Some of the recommendations to ICC Member States included: that… Read More

NGO letter to the UK Prime Minister regarding UK Involvement in Rendition and Torture

A letter addressed to the UK Prime Minister from join-NGO's asking the UK to enact a judge-led inquiry into torture allegations

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