
Redress for Rape: Using International Jurisprudence on Rape as a Form of Torture or Other Ill-treatment

This report focuses on the use of rape as an instrument of torture and ill-treatment. The past two decades have seen a significant change in the classification of rape – the international community now locate it as a crime of the highest order. States therefore have the responsibility to prevent and respond to… Read More

Justice for Torture Worldwide: Law, Practice and Agendas for Change

This report was written as a response to the difficulty of sharing strategies and best practices on the prosecution of torture. As torture law requires domestic avenues to be explored first, it is rare for those working on torture cases in different countries to come together and share their expertise and experience. The report therefore tries… Read More

REDRESS shortlisted for the ‘Guardian Charity Awards 2013’

REDRESS shortlisted for the ‘Guardian Charity Awards 2013’

Today, REDRESS was shortlisted for the Guardian Charity Awards 2013. For 21 years, the prestigious awards have showcased excellence among small and medium-sized charities that are delivering practical solutions to present-day problems and which “tend to be overshadowed by big players of the voluntary sector”. As the Guardian puts it,… Read More

RDC – Communication conjointe en vue de l’Examen périodique universel du Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU Dix-neuvième session: Avril – Mai 2014

Cette communication résume les préoccupations de REDRESS et de SAJ (Synergie pour l’assistance judiciaire aux victimes de violations des droits humains au Nord Kivu) quant aux manquements de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) concernant la mise en œuvre de certaines de ces recommandations (numérotées sur la base du Rapport du groupe de travail) dans le… Read More

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Soumission conjointe de REDRESS et de la SAJ à l’Examen Périodique Universel du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme (Deuxième Cycle), République Démocratique du Congo, 19ème session

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Lithuania urged to investigate allegations of its own involvement in CIA programme of rendition, secret detention and torture

Lithuania urged to investigate allegations of its own involvement in CIA programme of rendition, secret detention and torture

REDRESS and the Human Rights Monitoring Institute (HRMI) today submitted a joint complaint to the Lithuanian Prosecutor General. The complaint calls for an investigation into allegations that Mustafa al-Hawsawi, who is currently facing trial by military commission at Guantánamo Bay, was illegally transferred to and secretly detained and tortured in… Read More

Civil Society Letter on strengthening of special procedures mandate on human rights in Sudan – UN Human Rights Council 24th session

In this letter, REDRESS and other human rights groups urge the Permanent Representative Member and Observer States to the UN Human Rights Council to ensure that serious and widespread violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in Sudan are adequately addressed by the Human Rights Council during its 24th session that… Read More

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