
Déclaration de Goma sur la violence sexuelle

Nous, participantes et participants au Forum de Goma pour les droits des victimes de violences sexuelles, organisé par Droits et Démocratie, REDRESS, SOFEPADI et la Coalition Congolaise pour la Justice Transitionnelle,

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Implementing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the National Interim Constitution? An empirical assessment of the law reform process in Sudan: Challenges and Prospects

Considering reparations for victims of the Khmer Rouge Regime

In this discussion paper, REDRESS and the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee consider the framework for reparation available for victims of the Khmer Rouge regime. It examines the scope for reparation in international human rights law, Cambodian national laws, as well as the Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia… Read More

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Zimbabwe: mission by UN Special Rapporteur on torture blocked

Copenhagen, Geneva, London, Paris. The Coalition of International NGOs against Torture (CINAT) strongly condemns Zimbabwe’s refusal to receive the UN Special Rapporteur after all the officially planned fact-finding mission to Zimbabwe by the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Mr. Manfred Nowak. Mr. Nowak’s… Read More

Promoting law reform in Sudan to enhance human rights protection, strengthen the rule of law and foster democratic processes

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