
Briefing paper: Systemic Issues that Prevent the Exhaustion of Local Remedies in Belarus

Briefing paper: Systemic Issues that Prevent the Exhaustion of Local Remedies in Belarus

This new briefing paper by a coalition of international and Belarusian NGOs highlights the myriad challenges that prevent survivors of torture and other human rights violations from pursuing justice inside and outside Belarus. Since the 2020 presidential election, the human rights situation has significantly worsened; this briefing argues that hundreds… Read More

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Постраждалі в Україні не можуть чекати на репарації, Україна та міжнародне співтовариство мають зайняти активнішу позицію

Постраждалі в Україні не можуть чекати на репарації, Україна та міжнародне співтовариство мають зайняти активнішу позицію

Вікторія Керр Консультантка з правових питань REDRESS Окупація Росією Криму в 2014 році, конфлікт на сході України, що триває з 2014 року, та повномасштабне вторгнення Росії в Україну, що розпочалося 24 лютого 2022 року, принесли з собою масштабні порушення міжнародного права прав людини та міжнародного гуманітарного права, включаючи примусове переміщення,… Read More

Legal Advisor – Reparations

REDRESS is recruiting a Legal Advisor to manage our Reparations programme. We are seeking applications from senior lawyers with significant experience in the practice of human rights law to join the small team of senior lawyers at REDRESS. REDRESS has a diverse team from different backgrounds and with different experiences. Read More

Legal Advisor – Dissent

REDRESS is recruiting a Legal Advisor to manage our work relating to Dissent and Discrimination. We are seeking applications from senior lawyers with significant experience in the practice of human rights law to join the small team of senior lawyers at REDRESS. REDRESS has a diverse team from different backgrounds… Read More

Torture in Egypt: A Crime Against Humanity

Torture in Egypt: A Crime Against Humanity

This report provides a detailed legal analysis concluding that the Egyptian authorities’ use of torture is so widespread and systematic as to amount to a crime against humanity under customary international law by which Egypt is bound. It was written by REDRESS in collaboration with the Egyptian Initiative for… Read More