
Reparation: A Sourcebook for Victims of Torture and Other Violations of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law- Final Report (English) – Caselaw Review on Reparation

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Responses to Human Rights Violations The Implementation of the Right to Reparation for Torture in India, Nepal, and Sri Lanka

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Victims’ Rights Working Group (VRWG): Strategy Meeting on the Development of Structures and Procedures for Victims at the ICC

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Alleged torturer questioned in Bahrain on “fraud and other abuses”

REDRESS applauds yesterday’s reported detention of Adel Felaifel, a former member of the Bahraini Security and Intelligence Services, who is accused of perpetrating countless acts of torture in Bahrain. Adel Felaifel has reportedly been detained by Bahraini authorities in relation to accusations of “fraud and other abuses”. REDRESS, a London-based… Read More

The Impact of Al-Adsani v. The United Kingdom

The impact of the Al-Adsani ruling and its effect on the Redress for Torture Bill formed the basis for the meeting in the House of Lords on 13th February 2002 chaired by Lord Archer of Sandwell. Lord Archer opened the meeting with a summary of the objectives of the Redress… Read More

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Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court begins today 

The treaty creating the International Criminal Court (ICC) entered into force today, beginning the jurisdiction of the world’s first permanent tribunal capable of trying individuals accused of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity (including torture). Importantly, and unlike any previous international criminal tribunal, the ICC allows victims to participate… Read More

60th ratification of the International Criminal Court treaty

Today, the United Nations hosts a ceremony marking the historic occasion of the 60th ratification of the Rome Statute, the Treaty that will create the landmark International Criminal Court (ICC). The deposit of the 60th ratification triggers the Treaty’s entry into force, which, according to a timetable set forth in… Read More