
Conflit en Ukraine et Responsabilité des Acteurs Économiques : La Compétence Universelle Plus Que Jamais au Service de la Lutte Contre l’impunité

Conflit en Ukraine et Responsabilité des Acteurs Économiques : La Compétence Universelle Plus Que Jamais au Service de la Lutte Contre l’impunité

Read the press release in English TRIAL International, en collaboration avec Civitas Maxima, Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA), ECCHR, FIDH et REDRESS, publie aujourd’hui l’édition 2023 du Rapport annuel sur la compétence universelle (Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review, UJAR). L’utilisation croissante du… Read More

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2023

Universal Jurisdiction Annual Review 2023

The report highlights the increasing use of the principles of universal and extraterritorial jurisdiction to curb impunity for international crimes. This trend has, on one hand, been strengthened by the mobilisation of a number of national prosecuting authorities in response to the atrocities committed on Ukrainian territory following Russia’s invasion,… Read More

Legal Advisor – Dissent

REDRESS is recruiting a Legal Advisor to manage our work relating to Dissent and Discrimination. We are seeking applications from senior lawyers with significant experience in the practice of human rights law to join the small team of senior lawyers at REDRESS.  REDRESS has a diverse team… Read More

Legal Advisor – Reparations

REDRESS is recruiting a Legal Advisor to manage our Reparations programme. We are seeking applications from senior lawyers with significant experience in the practice of human rights law to join the small team of senior lawyers at REDRESS. REDRESS has a diverse team from different backgrounds and with different experiences. Read More