
Practice Note: Evaluating the Impact of Strategic Litigation against Torture

Practice Note: Evaluating the Impact of Strategic Litigation against Torture

This Practice Note considers 10 possible impacts of strategic litigation and provides examples on how to strengthen these impacts. It discusses in detail the process of impact evaluation, answering the question of when an impact evaluation should be conducted and by whom. The Practice Note also considers common challenges in… Read More

Practice Note: Case Management & Digital Security for Strategic Litigation against Torture

Practice Note: Case Management & Digital Security for Strategic Litigation against Torture

This Practice Note highlights some good practices for case management in the context of torture and ill-treatment. It also covers the basic building blocks of effective case management and general principles for digital security for effective case management. Read More

Parlamentarians and Civil Society Welcome UK Sanctions on 26 Individuals and Four Entities for Human Rights Abuses and Corruption

Parlamentarians and Civil Society Welcome UK Sanctions on 26 Individuals and Four Entities for Human Rights Abuses and Corruption

Coinciding with Human Rights Day and Anti-Corruption Day, the UK government has imposed 30 sanctions on 26 individuals and four entities from 11 different countries (Russia/Crimea, Iran, Kosovo, Mali, Moldova, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Serbia, South Sudan, and Uganda). This includes 21 individuals and four entities for their involvement… Read More