
NGO Letter to the Core Group and Co-Sponsoring States to the Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) Initiative

This joint NGO Letter to the Core Group and Co-Sponsoring States to the initiative for the creation of a new multilateral treaty for the domestic prosecution of the most serious international crimes – or Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) Initiative – was sent in response to the Draft Convention on International Cooperation in… Read More

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Briefing on diplomatic protection of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

This is a briefing on diplomatic protection, a mechanism by which a State may secure protection and obtain reparation for a legally wrongful act committed against one of its nationals, and what it means in the Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe case. Read More

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Enforced Disappearance in Africa

Enforced Disappearance in Africa

In many conflicts in Africa, from the Algerian civil war in the 1990s, Libya under Muammar Gaddafi, Sudan during the civil war, and Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe, opponents of the government or people just in the wrong place at the wrong time have disappeared. The victims of these enforced disappearances… Read More



We challenge torture used against marginalised and excluded minorities Torture is often used against minority groups to further marginalise them, knowing that they may be powerless to respond. Our Discrimination programme challenges torture that is used to silence and oppress marginalised and excluded minorities. International law is clear that when violence… Read More

How we work

How we work

REDRESS has developed specific skills that can be used to challenge torture and deliver impact. Our focus on these techniques is based on our experience working in collaboration with national partners and the anti-torture movement who have strengths in other civil society techniques.   Holistic Strategic Litigation… Read More

Where we work

Where we work

Torture is a global phenomenon, and REDRESS is active in many different parts of the world. We currently have over 60 active cases and projects in 38 countries worldwide including in Sub-Saharan Africa, the MENA region, Europe, Asia and the Americas: In the Americas, we work in the Inter-American human… Read More