
The UK’s Implementation of the UN Convention against Torture – Civil society alternative report March 2019

The UK’s Implementation of the UN Convention against Torture – Civil society alternative report March 2019

This report was submitted to the UN Committee against Torture as an alternative (or shadow) report to the UK’s sixth periodic review taking place in May 2019. The report follows four consultation events and a call for evidence across England and Wales as part of the UK Torture Review project… Read More

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Le nouveau Procureur national anti-terroriste doit inscrire parmi ses priorités la lutte contre les crimes contre l’humanité, génocide et crimes de guerre

Le nouveau Procureur national anti-terroriste doit inscrire parmi ses priorités la lutte contre les crimes contre l’humanité, génocide et crimes de guerre

La FIDH, la LDH, Human Rights Watch, REDRESS et Amnesty International France, organisations de défense des droits humains engagées de longue date dans le soutien à la capacité de la justice française à contribuer à la lutte contre l’impunité des crimes les plus graves commis à travers le monde, appellent… Read More

Fraud Alert

REDRESS has been made aware of correspondences being circulated via e-mail, from Internet web sites, text messages and via regular mail or facsimile, falsely stating that they are issued by, or in association with REDRESS. These scams, which may seek to obtain money and/or in many cases personal details from… Read More

Torture in Sudan: priorities for change

Torture in Sudan: priorities for change

REDRESS and the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) have issued the following briefing paper to coincide with the ongoing session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, which is taking place from the 24th of April to the 14th of May in Egypt. The… Read More

Torture in Sudan: Justice and Prevention. Priorities for change following the end of al-Bashir regime

REDRESS and the African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) have issued this briefing which identifies priority areas for reform on torture in Sudan following the recent removal of Omar al-Bashir as President. It focuses on reparations for victims of torture, ensuring individual accountability and preventing torture in the future. Read More

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