
Deep and Harmful: Addressing the Root Causes of Human Rights Violations and Impunity in Sudan and the Need for Transformative Justice

Deep and Harmful: Addressing the Root Causes of Human Rights Violations and Impunity in Sudan and the Need for Transformative Justice

This report was submitted to the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission for Sudan on 3 July 2024. It was prepared by the SOAS Centre for Human Rights Law, ACCESS, and REDRESS. The submission builds on over two decades of engagement, including law reform advocacy and litigation, particularly in cases of torture… Read More

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We understand a community of practice as a group of organisations, practitioners, activists, and survivors that aim to exchange expertise and experiences and share a common interest in delivering campaigns with the objective of strengthening the anti-torture movement. The communities of practice learn from practical experiences to reach individual and… Read More

Briefing Paper: One Step Closer to Justice and Healing

Briefing Paper: One Step Closer to Justice and Healing

Survivors of CRSV in Sudan struggle to access justice and obtain reparation. Perpetrators are rarely held accountable due to near total impunity of State-sanctioned violence embedded in Sudan’s power structures and legal framework. This briefing, written in partnership with Rights for Peace, provides an overview and recommendation on addressing CRSV… Read More