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India armed forces act is a deeping blotch on democracy

India armed forces act is a deeping blotch on democracy

Report A draconian legislation like the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 and the concept of democracy do not go together. While democracy nurtures values of justice, equality and fraternity, laws like the AFSPA are synonymous with injustice, discrimination and hatred. A report that analyses the legislation’s complete… Read More

Human rights groups withdraw from detainee inquiry

Human rights groups withdraw from detainee inquiry

Ten human rights organisations, along with former detainees and others who say they were tortured, withdrew today from the British Government’s Detainee Inquiry because it lacks “the credibility or transparency” to fully investigate allegations of torture. In a joint letter to the solicitor for the Inquiry, the groups – including REDRESS,… Read More

Justice for Rwandan genocide victims

A Dutch appeals court today sentenced Joseph Mpambara to life imprisonment on war crimes charges committed during Rwanda’s 1994 genocide in which 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutu were killed. The Court of Appeals found that Mpambara led a large-scale attack on an Adventist compound in which great numbers of Tutsi civilians, among… Read More