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Mientras la Convención contra la Tortura celebra su 40 aniversario en 2024, la doctora Alice Edwards, Relatora Especial de la ONU sobre la Tortura, reflexiona sobre los progresos realizados y los desafíos que siguen y a los que se enfrenta este tratado en todo el mundo y comparte su visión de un futuro sin torturas. Read More
Alors que la Convention contre la torture célèbre son 40e anniversaire en 2024, le Dr Alice Edwards, Rapporteuse spéciale actuelle des Nations unies sur la torture, se livre à une réflexion sur les progrès réalisés, mais aussi sur les difficultés persistantes auxquelles se heurte ce traité à travers le monde et partage sa vision d'un avenir où la torture n’existe plus. Read More
À l'occasion de la Journée internationale pour le soutien aux victimes de la torture, le Consortium United Against Torture appelle les États à défendre les progrès réalisés au cours des dernières décennies en matière de respect de la dignité humaine en s'engageant davantage à mettre fin à la torture dans le monde entier. Read More
En el Día Internacional en Apoyo de las Víctimas de la Tortura, el Consorcio Unidos contra la Tortura pide a los Estados (UATC, por sus siglas en inglés) que defiendan los avances logrados en las últimas décadas en la defensa de la dignidad humana mostrando un mayor compromiso para poner fin a la tortura en todo el mundo. Read More
Ahead of the General Election, REDRESS has released ‘Six steps for the UK to take torture seriously’, a plan ready for adoption by the next Government that addresses current gaps in anti-torture policy and legislation. Recent weeks have seen the release of political party… Read More
This online event will acknowledge the importance of the UN Convention Against Torture in the global fight against torture and other ill-treatment, and shed light on challenges and abuses observed in the context of the policing of protests. It will identify key actions to curb the unyielding repression of protests by bringing together survivors, activists, experts, and representatives of civil society organisations. Read More
Amy is a survivor of rape as a form of torture perpetrated by three male members of the Wayuu indigenous community in Northern Colombia in 2012. Since her ordeal, Amy has bravely made continuous attempts to seek justice through the Colombian justice system; her efforts have been marred by… Read More
اقرأ باللغة العربية The undersigned organizations support the letter by five UN Special Rapporteurs, published on 19 May 2024, addressing the Egyptian government in regards to the ongoing targeting of human rights lawyers through the use of counter-terrorism legislation, resulting in their imprisonment or compelling them… Read More