
Report on UN response to sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers

Report on UN response to sexual exploitation and abuse by peacekeepers

International human rights organisation REDRESS has released a new report, ‘Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations: Improving Victims’ Access to Reparation, Support and Assistance‘. The report is published ahead of a High-Level Meeting convened by the UN Secretary-General on combating sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping operations that… Read More

Victim and Witness Protection at the Ugandan International Crimes Division (ICD)

This report, co-authored by REDRESS and Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF), summarises the proceedings of a workshop on victim and witness protection at the International Crimes Division (ICD), the first domestic court in Uganda to try international crimes. Participants included ICD judges, registrar, prosecutors, and victims’ counsel, alongside national and international… Read More

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Intégrer les droits des victimes dans les procédures de la Cour pénale spéciale en République Centrafricaine

Ce rapport a été rédigé par The Redress Trust (REDRESS) avec la contribution de la Fédération Internationale des ligues des Droits de l’Homme (FIDH), la Ligue Centrafricaine des Droits de l ‘Homme (LCDH) et l’Observatoire Centrafricain des Droits de l’Homme (OCDH) (ci-après les Organisations). Ce rapport présente une analyse de la conformité des règles… Read More

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations

Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Peacekeeping Operations

This report analyses the steps that have been taken by specialist bodies, organs and agencies of the UN, and other international organisations engaged in peacekeeping, to address victims’ rights and needs following allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse in countries including the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Haiti.