
Justice for Rwandan genocide victims

A Dutch appeals court today sentenced Joseph Mpambara to life imprisonment on war crimes charges committed during Rwanda’s 1994 genocide in which 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutu were killed. The Court of Appeals found that Mpambara led a large-scale attack on an Adventist compound in which great numbers of Tutsi civilians, among… Read More

New rules for detainee inquiry will impede access to truth statement

Exactly one year ago, United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron announced the creation of an Inquiry into whether the UK Government and its intelligence agencies were implicated in the improper treatment of detainees abroad that may have occurred in the aftermath of 11 September 2001. This followed revelations that UK nationals and former… Read More

Sudanese civilians in South Kordofan and Blue Nile v Sudan

The case relates to human rights violations arising from hostilities in South Kordofan state involving the Sudan Armed Forces and forces aligned with South Sudan’s army, the People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in Southern Kordofan State/Nuba Mountains in 2011. THE STORY The hostilities were reportedly marked by large scale… Read More

Voice on the Ground

REDRESS publication examines the problems faced by Ugandan in getting redress following the Lango War as well as current problems with socio-economic programmes that were introduced to improve the greater north region.

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REDRESS’s chair, Sir Emyr Jones Parry, offers his reflections on the United Nations’ Annual Day in support of ‘Victims of Torture, lessons from the Arab Spring: time to stand up to end the use of torture’

REDRESS’s chair, Sir Emyr Jones Parry, offers his reflections on the United Nations’ Annual Day in support of ‘Victims of Torture, lessons from the Arab Spring: time to stand up to end the use of torture’

Today is the United Nation’s Annual Day in Support of Victims of Torture, a day when we remember all those world-wide who are suffering and have suffered torture. Established to mark the day the UN Convention Against Torture came into force (June 26, 1987) it coincides this year with momentous events. In… Read More