
Smoke and Mirrors Remain – Intelligence & Security Committee Report Does Not End Concerns Over Torture, Renditions And The Rule Of Law

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Memorandum from REDRESS to House of Commons Defence Committee on UK Operations in Iraq

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REDRESS calls for enactment of new torture damages bill

REDRESS, the international human rights organisation with a mandate to assist torture survivors to obtain justice, today called for the speedy enactment of the Torture (Damages) Bill, a Private Members’ Bill sponsored by the Lord Archer of Sandwell QC. The Bill would enable torture survivors to bring a claim for… Read More

Top UK court orders probe into Mousa’s death by torture

REDRESS, the international human rights organisation with a mandate to help torture survivors obtain justice, welcomes today’s ruling by the Appellate Committee of the House of Lords that Baha Mousa’s death at the hands of British troops in Iraq can be considered under the Human Rights Act of 1998. Hotel… Read More