
Justice International

Justice International

We support international and regional legal claims and advocacy on behalf of torture survivors worldwide.  As part of our… Read More

Parlamentarians and Civil Society Welcome UK Sanctions on 26 Individuals and Four Entities for Human Rights Abuses and Corruption

Parlamentarians and Civil Society Welcome UK Sanctions on 26 Individuals and Four Entities for Human Rights Abuses and Corruption

Coinciding with Human Rights Day and Anti-Corruption Day, the UK government has imposed 30 sanctions on 26 individuals and four entities from 11 different countries (Russia/Crimea, Iran, Kosovo, Mali, Moldova, Myanmar, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Serbia, South Sudan, and Uganda). This includes 21 individuals and four entities for their involvement… Read More

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on the Duty to Investigate Crimes of Torture in National Law and Practice

Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on the Duty to Investigate Crimes of Torture in National Law and Practice

This submission responds to a call for input from the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture on the challenges preventing effective accountability and justice for victims and survivors of torture, and good practices on the duty to investigate crimes of torture. REDRESS’s submission identifies: Inadequacies in national legal frameworks against torture,… Read More

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UN Experts Urged to Intervene on Behalf of Eight Protestors Being Prosecuted in Case Marred by Torture and Fair Trial Violations

UN Experts Urged to Intervene on Behalf of Eight Protestors Being Prosecuted in Case Marred by Torture and Fair Trial Violations

**News update: The eight protestors were acquitted by the court on 6 March 2023. We will be updating our press release as more information becomes available. ** متوفر باللغة العربية REDRESS, the Missing Initiative, and the Sudanese Defenders Centre for Legal Aid have appealed… Read More

2022 in Focus: Repurposing Perpetrators’ Assets for Victims

2022 in Focus: Repurposing Perpetrators’ Assets for Victims

READ OUR ANNUAL REVIEW 2022 This article is part of a series of ‘In Focus’ pieces looking at some of our key achievements over the past year. In it, REDRESS Legal Advisor Leanna Burnard outlines the work that REDRESS has been doing under our Reparations programme, including… Read More