
Justice International

Justice International

We support international and regional legal claims and advocacy on behalf of torture survivors worldwide.  As part of our… Read More

Briefing Paper: Investigating Torture Against LGBTIQ+ Persons

Briefing Paper: Investigating Torture Against LGBTIQ+ Persons

This briefing sets out the relevant international standards concerning the duty to investigate torture against LGBTIQ+ persons and offers concrete recommendations to strengthen the legal framework and improve the practice of investigations into such discriminatory violence. Read More

Chad Study on Opportunities for Reparations for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Breaking the Silence

Chad Study on Opportunities for Reparations for Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence, Breaking the Silence

This report identifies opportunities and challenges for reparations of survivors of sexual and-gender based violence in Chad. The report shows how victims of CRSV have received no financial compensation or other forms of reparations, such as rehabilitation, despite sexual violence being… Read More