
I have my own place

Fill the form if you have your own place in an event Name* Mx.Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last PhoneEmail* I am happy for REDRESS to contact me by email*YesNoAddress*… Read More

London Marathon Registration Form

Register for a London Marathon Golden Bond place to run with #TeamREDRESS Name* Mx. Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Date of Birth* Date Format: DD slash MM slash YYYY Email… Read More

Universal Jurisdiction

Universal Jurisdiction

In a globalised world, perpetrators of torture are often found in other countries far from the scene of the crime, where they can be prosecuted under the principle of universal jurisdiction. Prosecuting an accused person in the country in which the crimes were committed can be difficult if this country… Read More

International Criminal Court

International Criminal Court

The International Criminal Court (ICC) is the first international criminal tribunal with a permanent mandate and the power to award reparations to victims of crimes who come before it. The ICC’s legal framework provides innovative features giving effect to victims’ rights to access effective redress. It enables victims to participate… Read More

Help for Survivors

Torture aims to de–humanise survivors through calculated acts of cruelty to remove the survivors’ dignity and make them powerless. It is a very serious human rights violation and an international crime.   Torture often has a profound and long-term impact on the… Read More

Gift Aid Declaration

Gift Aid is a scheme which allows REDRESS to reclaim the tax on your donation from the Government. Please fill the form if you pay at least the basic rate of income tax or capital gains tax in the UK. Name* Mx.Mr.Mrs.MissMs.Dr.Prof.Rev. Prefix… Read More