
NGOs’ Letter to EU Genocide Network on Strengthening efforts to combat impunity within EU Member States for crimes under international law

In this letter, written ahead of the 15th meeting of the EU Genocide Network, REDRESS and other human rights groups draw attention to a new initiative regarding EU responses to challenges faced by EU practitioners in the effective investigation and prosecution of crimes under international law. Read More

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REDRESS’ Submission to the UK Government on Proposed Legal Aid Changes

Following the UK Government’s announcement of plans to significantly reduce access to legal aid, REDRESS has submitted comments as part of the Government’s consultation. The comments focus on the particular impact of the cuts on access to justice for victims of torture. Read More

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Reaching for Justice: The Right to Reparation in the African Human Rights System

The report explains how regional human rights mechanisms, in particular the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights, play a key part in upholding the rights of victims, including the right to reparation. The report finds that while significant progress has been made, more could be done to ensure “a… Read More